Introduction and objective:
The article focuses mainly on SARS-CoV-2 neurotropism and its consequences for hearing and otolaryngological disorders. The leading hypotheses regarding the mechanisms of the virus internalisation as well as its influence on the nervous system in extenso are presented, as well as the latest available knowledge, after a selective choice of articles relating to the subject.

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
Dizziness, tinnitus and sudden hearing loss are the main symptoms in the organ of hearing and balance, but it is often not possibile to objectively investigate their etiology and make a proper diagnosis. Among the most common causes of hearing disorders, such as vestibular neuritis, sudden sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus, there are infections, injuries, and diseases that predispose to the occurrence of symptoms of hearing disorders. Despite the numerous possible causes, a high percentage of clinical symptoms still remain without diagnosis.

The global health crisis has provoked a change in the perspective of thinking about infections and the consequences of viral infections; it haalso given rise to a new perception and conceptualisation of the impact of infections on other human systems. The challenge faced by scientists due to this virus is multi-dimensional, and it requires explication and reinterpretation of the knowledge to-date. It even forces us to retrospect the existing explanations of the known disorders, as well as to conduct prospective correlative studies that will help in understand the mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis, and consequentl, to be able to establish a management pattern in order to prevent the spread of the virus causing the pandemic.
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