About the Journal

Manuscripts prepared in cooperation by authors from various international centres will be treated as a priority.
The Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research is a multidisciplinary, Rapid-Publication journal edited and published since 2007 by the Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland. The Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research is open to scientists from all countries. The mission of the journal is to promote topics of pre-clinical and clinical research, as well as stimulate international cooperation in these areas.

Number of issues: 4 issues per year

The journal will consider articles from every legitimate specialty. We are particularly interested in:
- medicine
- human and animal physiology
- clinical pharmacology
- oncology
- molecular cell biology
- toxicology
- biotechnology
- biophysics

Clinical and pre-clinical studies are welcomed together with:
- reviews
- case reports
- preliminary communications
- studies on new indications or new formulations of established products.

In addition, the Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research will also consider publishing the results of experiments that failed to produce expected findings - so called "negative results". The Journal recognizes the importance to the scientific and clinical community of well designed and rigorously tested studies that are often misinterpreted as a failure because they challenge prevailing dogma.

The full text of all articles is deposited in digital archives around the world to guarantee long-term digital preservation. You can also access all articles published by Institute of Rural Health in Lublin on PORTICO (https://www.portico.org/).
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