Introduction and objective:
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common, chronic, recurrent dermatosis. It frequently decreases the quality of life and leads to frustration of both patients and their families. Patients with AD seek a variety of therapeutic options, including non-conventional methods. The aim of the study was to determine which practices of unproved or uncertain effectiveness are most frequently used by AD patients in Poland.

Material and methods:
113 survey participants were enrolled (99 parents of children and 14 adults) in Poland diagnosed with AD who responded to an online survey created using Google Forms distributed to online support groups for parents of patients and patients diagnosed with AD. Respondents were given a list of methods of unproved or uncertain treatments for AD, and were asked to choose the methods that they had employed at least once in their lives to manage their or their children’s AD.

At least one method described in the study to manage AD had been tried by 76.1% of respondents. Black seed oil was the most popular pure oil, with up to 36.3% of respondents having tried it, making it as popular as cannabinoidcontaining ointments and creams. The use of propolis was reported by 24.8% of respondents. Acupuncture had been tried at least once by 23.9% of patients or parents of patients, while 18% attempted bioresonance.

This study reveals that AD patients engage in a wide range of practices that contradict current knowledge and recommendations. Dissemination of reliable sources of information and insightful conversations in doctors’ offices about methods seem important.
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