Evaluation of the state of health of motor vehicle operators driving under the influence of alcohol in the years 2004, 2007 and 2010 in Kielce Region
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Laboratory of Mental Health, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Regional Occupational Health Centre in Kielce, Poland
Mental Hospital in Morawica, Poland
Corresponding author
Ewa Latała-Łoś   

Regional Occupational Health Centre in Kielce, Karola Olszewskiego 2A, 25-663 Kielce, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2012;6(2):118-121
Annual reports by the Police Headquarters provide inform about a big problem associated with the operation of motor vehicles by drunk drivers which, unfortunately, contributes to many tragic events on the roads. In 2010 alone, drunk road users were involved in 4,524 road accidents.

Presentation of the health situation of the population of drivers reporting for medical and psychological examinations to the Regional Occupational Health Centre in Kielce, based on decisions by the road traffic control authorities for the area of the Kielce Region, at three year intervals.

Material and Methods:
Analysis of the state of health covered drivers who reported to the Regional Occupational Health Centre in Kielce due to operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, or in the state of intoxication. In 2004, from among 549 drinking drivers the majority were males (538), i.e.98.2% aged 17-69; of these, 70% were rural inhabitants. Similarly, in the subsequent years, males living in the rural areas also prevailed, and constituted 98.6% of the 1,409 drivers examined (1,390), and in 2010 as many as 97.5% of 1,816 drivers examined (1,771).

Analysis of the state of health of the examined group of drivers referred to the Regional Occupational Health Centre by the decision of police authorities showed deviations from the normal state in many drivers.

The studies contributed to the detection of many disorders in the group of drivers examined, frequently including those which required intensive treatment in hospital conditions. In the subsequent years, an increasing number of drivers operating vehicles under the influence of alcohol or other psychoactive substances was observed.
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