Introduction and objective:
Oral piercing is especially popular among teenagers and young adults. It consists in piercing and placing decorative jewelry within the oral cavity, most often in the tongue and lips, and carries the risk of general and local complications – including dental and periodontal tissues, as well as oral mucosa. Because many people who decide to have oral piercing are not aware of this risk, this review aims to illustrate the multidimensionality and prevalence of complications occurring in people with oral piercing, the role of the dentist in educating and informing the patient about possible related complications the dangers it entails, as well as broadening knowledge and increasing the awareness of people considering piercing.

Review methods:
In order to accurately assess the risks associated with the use of piercings in the oral cavity, materials on the subject available on the PubMed platform were analyzed, and the most important issues and conclusions drawn were presented.

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
People with oral cavity piercings have worse hygiene than people without piercing, and have a higher risk of damage to the teeth and mucosa. Bacterial-related periodontal problems, such as deepening of periodontal pockets, loss of connective epithelium, and bleeding on probing, are also common. Lichenoid lesions and abnormalities in the histopathological examination may appear. In the case of metal earrings, galvanic current and corrosion are typical.

Oral piercings can pose a risk to the health of the oral cavity and teeth. The role of the dentist is to treat and prevent complications by adopting a professional educational and preventive approach.
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