Stress as a cause of suicidal attempts among young people from various environments
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Clinic for Internal, Occupational Diseases and Toxicology, Institute of Agricultural Medicine, Lublin, Poland
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Zdzisław Brzeski   

Institute of Agricultural Medicine, Jaczewskiego 2, 20-090 Lublin, Poland.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2007;1(2):200-202
The data by the World Health Organization indicate that the number of suicidal attempts and committed suicides is increasing in all countries, especially in the environment of young people. One of the causes of this phenomenon is anxiety induced by typical factors of the habitation and work environment. These are the following factors: high degree of difficulty or tasks, loss of control over the course of events, discrepancies between external and internal demands and the possibility of their realization by individuals in conditions threatening health or life. The objective of the study was clinical and toxicological analysis of motivation attitudes, causes for undertaking suicidal attempts by young people in conditions of exposure to typical stressors, which in an evaluation by a psychologist-psychiatrist could have determined suicidal attitudes. The material for the study was a group of 275 adolescents and young adults treated in the Toxicology Ward at the Clinic of the Institute of Agricultural Medicine in Lublin due to acute poisoning with xenobionts. The methodology of research was based on the analysis of medical records of hospitalized patients, expanded by an evaluation by a psychologist-psychiatrist of the attitudes, and motivation for poisoning among young people who had undertaken a suicidal attempt. The study covered 154 urban inhabitants of both genders, and 121 patients living in the rural environment. The material was subject to simple statistical analysis. In both groups examined the causative agents were pharmaceuticals and alcohol in combination with pharmaceuticals, xenobionts being a dominant cause of poisoning. According to psychological-psychiatric evaluation the causes of undertaking suicidal attempt by young urban population were as follows: failure in a family, at school, in the peer environment, and also long-term incapability for finding a satisfactory job. Among young people living in rural areas there dominated failures and conflicts in a family, in the environment, at school and difficulties of the period of adolescence.
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