Stent grafts are the most popular method of treating aneurysms. The incidence of vascular graft infection is 0.5% to 5%. In turn, the incidence of infection after percutaneous insertion of intravascular stent grafts is much lower and reaches approximately 1%, or less. The infection may be local, develop into acute sepsis, or develop into a chronic infection with septic flares. Stent graft infection in peripheral arteries is rare and dangerous. A foreign body, such as a stent graft, usually does not cause a reaction in body. However, cases of colonization with bacteria resulting in local or generalized infection have been described. Two types of body reactions to graft can be distinguished: an acute inflammatory response leading to the formation of an abscess, and a chronic inflammatory process with fibrosis. The case is presented of a patient with sepsis lasting several weeks, the result of infection of the aorto-biiliac stent graft. A review of the literature on the subject is also presented.
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