Introduction and objective:
Many autoimmune diseases correlate with phonatory disorders which significantly reduce the well-being and quality of life of patients due to difficulties in verbal communication. The aim of the review is to present the current medical knowledge on ENT complications in patients suffering from selected autoimmune diseases. The text is partially supplemented with the possibilities of diagnosis and treatment of these disorders.

Review methods:
PubMed, PubMed Central, and printed literature were searched using key words related to phoniatrix, larynx, immunology, voice, thyroid and dysphonia. Articles in Polish, German and English were searched. Bibliographies with outdated data and those that did not have the latest update or did not meet the selected criteria were excluded. Exclusions were most often due to an incomplete topic as well as results reported by an unrepresentative group of patients. The review was supported by an additional case study included as relevant to add significant clinical and imaging value to the work.

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
Autoimmune diseases are manifested in various body systems, including the phonational system. Both patients and doctors often do not expect that symptoms such as hoarseness, dysphonia, low voice or sore throat may be caused by an underlying disease. The list of ailments, diagnostic options and treatment is intended to present this problem and to increase medical awareness.

Tthe presented diseases have been shown primarily from the side of disorders in phonation which accompany them. Despite the apparent unrelatedness of the disease with the production of sound, the clinical picture often shows ENT symptoms that are significant for the patient.
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