Indices of body composition, energy and macronutrient intakes in young men and women with different physical activity
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Department of Biology University of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Biochemistry University of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Sports Medicine, University of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding author
Anna Kęska   

Marymoncka 34, 00-968 Warszawa, Poland
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2013;7(1):36-39
It has been shown that body mass index (BMI) commonly used in assessing nutritional status provides equivocal results since subjects with normal BMI are often characterized by abnormal body fat and fat free mass. In consequence, it has been suggested that an indices more precise than BMI of body composition should be used for evaluation of nutritional status and risk of malnutrition and/or obesity. This study aimed at evaluation of the relationship between different indices of body composition and dietary macronutrient intakes in young non-active and active adults. A total of 264 students (136 females and 128 males) participated in the study. Physical activity of 131 subjects (69 males and 62 females) was more than 7 h/week and were classified as active. A total of 133 subjects (59 males and 74 females) with physical activity less than 3 h/week were classified as non-active. Weight, height and waist circumference were measured using standard procedures. Body fat (BF) and fat free mass (FFM) were determined using the bioelectrical impedance method and Tanita equipment. Daily energy and macronutrient intakes were evaluated from four 24-hours recalls concerning two week days and weekend and analyzed using the Dieta 5.0. computerized programme. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) was calculated from body fat and fat free mass, and energy intake (EI) to BMR ratio was calculated to identify the under- and over-reporters. There were no differences in BMI between males and females with different physical activity. Both, non-active females and males were characterized by a higher percent of BF compared to those who were non-active. A difference in FFM was observed between active and non-active females. Waist circumference in active males was lower vs. their sedentary counterparts. There were no differences in energy consumption between active and non-active students. Neither daily energy intake nor diet composition were correlated with indices of body composition. Additionally, it was observed that in both active and non-active females and active males underreporting was more pronounced in subjects with normal body fat. The above data possibly suggest that numerous participants were characterized by a distorted body image.
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