High-protein diets: are they really safe and effective?
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Medical University of Warsaw
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Agnieszka Zielińska   

Medical University of Warsaw, Department of Human Nutrition, Ciołka 27, 01-445 Warszawa, tel. 22 836-09-71, fax 22 836-09-71 w. 21.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2010;4(2):148-153
This review summarizes the effects of dietary protein on energy intake and weight loss, as well as its’ effects on a variety of health outcomes in adults. Unusual popularity of high-protein induce scientists to analyze its’ effectiveness and observe health consequences induced by those diets. Short-term studies indicates that high-protein diets improve weight loss and fat loss, but recently conducted long-term studies negate superiority of high - protein diets to mixed diets. Available data indicate that high-protein diets can promote harmful effects. This review focuses on the impact of high-protein diets on weight loss, body composition, cardiovascular risk, glycemic control, renal function and urinary calcium loss.
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