Assessment of reducing weight diets used by overweight or obese subjects
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Department of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition, Medical University,Bialystok, Poland
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Lucyna Ostrowska   

Department of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition, Medical University, Mieszka I-go 4B, 15-054 Bialystok, Poland.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2010;4(2):116-117
We assessed reducing weight diets used by subjects with excessive body mass. The study involved 100 volunteers who completed a weekly diet diary. Diets of most women (69.2%) did not meet daily estimated energy requirement, being highly energetic, however, in 66.7% of men. The study showed an abnormal content of nutrients. Women preferred high-protein, high fat, but low-carbohydrate diets. In men, the high-fat, low-protein, and low-carbohydrate diets were predominant. A misbalanced diet with respect to energetic value and major nutrients may be responsible for the accumulation of fatty tissue and not for body mass reduction. The knowledge of patients in this field is scarce.
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