Analysis of nutrition of children in Warsaw day nurseries in view of current recommendations
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Nutrition Department, Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland
Chair of Nutritional Assessment, Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
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Halina Weker   

Nutrition Department, Institute of Mother and Child, Kasprzaka 17a, 01-211 Warsaw, Poland.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2010;4(1):63-67
The aim of the study was to analyse the nutrition of children aged 13-36 months in selected day nurseries in the city of Warsaw, conducted in 20 selected day nurseries which were responsible for providing care for a total of 1,692 children. The diet of children in the day nurseries was evaluated on the basis of a questionnaire distributed between 2008-2009 among the staff responsible for organizing meals at selected establishments belonging to the nursery unit of Warsaw (n=20, 1-5 centrally located branches), while the nutritional value of average food rations was calculated on the basis of 10-day inventory reports. Children attending the day nurseries were fed in accordance with the existing nutritional recommendations. Average food rations provided were similar to the recommended food intake for children aged 1-3 years, with the exception of the excessive amount of cereal products, sugar and sweets. The energy and nutritional value of an average food ration with regard to macroelements was compliant with the dietary standards for a day in previous years, and signifi cantly higher than the standards of 2008, in particular with respect to proteins and vitamins from the B group. Vitamin D defi ciency was observed in the children’s diets. There is a need to implement at day nurseries the current recommendations on nutrition of children aged 13-36 months to prevent obesity and iron deficiency [1-4].
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