Effect of multiprobiotic “Symbiter® acidophilic” concentrated on morphofunctional changes in stomach evoked by 28-days introduction of omeprazole
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Department of Pharmaco-Physiology, Taras Shevchenko National University, Kiev, Ukraine
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Olena Tsyryuk   

Kioto str., building 3, apt. 123, Kiev, 02156, Ukraine.
J Pre Clin Clin Res. 2010;4(1):52-56
Experiments on rats showed that 28-day injection of the antisecretory preparation omeprazole (14 mg/kg) resulted in a statistically significant increase in the gastrin level in blood plasma, which was accompanied by a significant inbalance between indices of stomach contamination by obligate and facultative microflora, by imbalanced stomach secretory function as well as by essential morphological changes in stomach. Multiprobiotic “Symbiter® acidophilic concentrated” introduced simultaneously with omeprazole during 28 days prevented the formation of disbiotic and partially morphological and functional changes in stomach. It was concluded that multiprobiotic “Symbiter® acidophilic concentrated” use was advisable in patients with hypergastrinemia of different genesis (hypoacidity/ anacidity, atrophic gastritis, long-term use of antisecretory drugs) and it can also be included in complex therapy of acid dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to prevent development of disbacteriosis in the stomach, and as a result, to prevent morphological and functional changes in the stomach.
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